
Support Climate Legislation in Your State

State climate planning is critical to ensuring that science-based targets are met to stave off the worst impacts of the climate crisis. Across the country about 34 states have adopted or are in the process of adopting a climate action plan. Typically, this process happens through one of two pathways –  either the state legislature can choose to adopt a plan or the state’s governor can choose to set their own administrative state targets. We’ve seen both of these manifest in different ways throughout the region. Unfortunately, two Great Lakes states currently do not have any plan in place or in draft – Ohio and Indiana. If your business is based in one of these states please follow the appropriate link to send a message to your state’s governor:

If your business is based in Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, or Illinois, please consider sending a letter to your Governor or state elected officials to thank them for adopting a plan and urge them to update it to ensure that it meets the stringent requirements of the climate crisis. (Make sure to mention your business name, title, membership to GLBN) If you need help in developing your letter, please contact ashley@groundworkcenter.org who will happily draft a letter for your consideration.

State climate plans are a critical component of any strategy to meaningfully reduce carbon emissions, especially as federal action has stalled. We thank you for leveraging the power of your business to meet the urgency of this moment!