Read through the following agreement and sign at the bottom to become a Great Lakes Business Network member.
The Great Lakes Business Network is a network of business leaders committed to protecting the Great Lakes region from threats to the natural environment. The goal of the Great Lakes Business Network (GLBN) is to convene and leverage business leaders across the region to build a coalition to advance a select set of issues and to be the leading business voice for protecting the health and vitality of the Great Lakes and the economy, businesses and communities that depend upon them. We are fact-based, non-partisan, and focused on pragmatic advocacy to help set the Great Lakes agenda.
By agreeing to join the GLBN, your business agrees with the general position statements for each focus issue area. GLBN members should be the CEO, owner, or top executive of the business, or a staff proxy that represents the interests of the top executive. Members may select the issues they want to actively engage in and the Network will customize communications to meet your business interests.
The GLBN is managed through a partnership between the National Wildlife Federation Great Lakes Regional Center and Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities. The GLBN managing partners agree to create a “member profile” within the GLBN website for each GLBN member that consists of the member’s name, title, business name and business logo, and a personal statement of support for Great Lakes protection. The “member profile” may also include, if both parties agree, a personal photograph, additional background statements, links to articles, videos, letters or other communications that support the GLBN’s focus issues, and associated business actions in support of GLBN identified goals and statements.
The GLBN managing partners agree to:
The GLBN is governed by a membership based Executive Committee that acts as the decision making body for policies and positions established by the GLBN. Should the GLBN Executive Committee choose to advance a position on a new Great Lakes issue, or change the position on an existing issue, those changes will always be communicated in advance to all GLBN members. Members of the Great Lakes Business Network (GLBN) agree to:
Members of the Great Lakes Business Network (GLBN) agree to:
There is no obligation for a GLBN members to participate as a public advocate, but members may be asked to voluntarily consider participation in any of the following advocacy activities:
Focus Issue Modifications or Removal from the Network: GLBN Members can choose to remove their name from the Network at any time. Modifications to the approach the GLBN takes for focus issues that members directly engage with may be raised through the Issue Lead (which will be held by a Business Member) and if needed, brought to the full Executive Committee for modification.
[contact-form-7 id=”749″ title=”Sign Member Agreement”]